Apr 26 2013
Herb Phelan
Started fishing about 5:00 pm, windy and overcast, air temp mid 60s. Nothing on plastics, rattletraps. Wind died down a little about 6:00 pm, so I switched to a white buzz bait. Caught 4 over an hour, 3 small but one 4.6 pounds. About 7 pm I cast too close to a branch and lost the buzzbait (only one I had on me), decided to switch to a shad-patterned baby spook. They loved it. Caught fish steady until I didn’t have light to see by anymore. Total of 15, biggest on the spook were 4.7 and 4.2, but good mix of 3s and 2s, only a couple of dinks. Fish were very tight on structure in shallow water. Fun afternoon after a long day at work.