Great day at Timber Lake

Apr 01 2013

Michael Svoboda


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Fished from noon to dark. Water 65-70, caught fish in the middle of creeks as well as on the bank. Saw tons of beds with fish. Caught 44 harvested 6. The amount of 17 - 20 inch fish I caught went well into the double digits. Largest bass caught was 20 inches and around 5 lbs. All fish caught on senkos, color didn’t matter.

Take the hazard warning about falling limbs from trees seriously. Had a large limb fall off a tree about 40 feet from me into the water. Made a huge splash. This seems to happen about every time we go out there. This is a great property would hate to see someone get hurt out there.

Tight Lines,

Mike Svoboda

Posted By: Michael Svoboda