Feb 18 2013
Bryan Durrett
Slot Fish
Two PWF members had to check out the new locations. Tommy, the owner, met us to let us in and we followed him to Hog Trough Lake. The conditions were terrible as we had extremely high wind conditions most all day. We only boated 4 healthy fish in the 2 - 3 pound class. We saw Hog Trough and Leaky Lake. Both have an abundance of timber and look awesome once the water temps warm up, (Not a location for whimpy line) I expect some really large fish to come out of thse lakes. The lakes had recently risen as Tommy indicated they had received about 9 inches of rain the previous week. These lakes are going into the spring in really great shape.
The boats are top notch and very safe and comfortable.
Check these lakes out this spring. I look forward to the reports and pic’s. We observed several deer as we drove to the lakes but failed to see any Eagles that Tommy indicated we probably would see.
It’s not always about catching fish, sometimes you just need the solitude of getting back in the woods and enjoying creation….
Good fishing my friends.