Feb 09 2013
William Fetech
Fished this property on Feb 8, from 10-4:30 with about an hour break at 12:30 (Mac and Ernies in Tarpley serves a good lunch on Friday and Saturday). Now back to the fishing.
water temp: 55-59
air temp: 55-70
water clarity: clear to 3 ft
water is still 6-10 ft below “full”, but there is some good vegetation growth along the outside edge.
There was a strong north wind to begin with, but it decreased by noon.
Most of the fish were in the 1 lb range with one being over the slot. I did fish the lower tank, but caught two dinks.
Successful lures:
- med diving jerk (blue/chrome)
- deep diving (black/gold/chart.)
- med diving crank (brown/chart.)
- deep diving crank (olive/orange)
Unsuccessful lures:
- shallow jerk, crank
- weighted soft-plastic jerk
- spinner
- shakey head
Bill Fetech
Feb 09 2013
Steve Alexander
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We saw Mac and Ernies on Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimmerman last week. Great family show to watch.