Kickapoo King 11/13

Nov 14 2012

Robert Lundin


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It was a cold morning as we set out to hunt The elusive Kickapoo King. We know that he has been hiding for years in the north finger of the lake. Got the boat launched with minimum effort and started working the dam. The weatherman was wrong again. Forecast was sunny and light winds turns out it was cloudy and gusty from the northeast. We were averaging 7 to 12 fish per hour. Most fish 13 inches or smaller. We were throwing chatterbaits, spinners, rattletrap and the kitchen sink.  Most fish caught on plastics any color. Steve the soon to be King caught two nice ones on a rattletrap, both about 16 inches. The Steve goes quiet and is secretly tying on a WMD. Bam the king is on the jig and he is pulling the boat to China Grove. Great job keeping a tight line. I lipped him after a struggle that went to both side of the boat. Measure him and he was 22 inches and somewhere between 6 to 7 pounds. Steve found a disposable camera in his tackle bag from 1976 bicentennial parade. He is taking the camera to Wallgreen’s to see if we have an image. Right after the king he got a 4 pounder on the same jig and craw combo. My best of the day was a 3 pounder on a zoom super fluke, watermelon. We celebrated by stopping in Canton for some fried pies. Great day and constant action.

Posted By: Robert Lundin