Mar 15 2025
Steve Alexander
First time to fish solo in a long time. Forgot how peaceful it is to sit in a boat by yourself and enjoy Gods creation. Decided last minute to fish for a few hours at Double A. Caught 21 total in 3.5 hours. One of the better days I've had outside of Mexico in a few years. Landed a 6.1, 5.7, 5.5, 5.0 and at least 10 over 3.5 lbs. only 5 under 3lbs and nothing under 2.5 lbs. not a single dink. Hung a 7/8 pounder on my last fish. Got the fish to the boat and she spit my swim bait. Landed my first fish within 5 min on a 1/8 oz belly weight 6/0 hook using a Houdini colored (watermelon red with black pepper) 5” Skinny Dipper. Never put it down as it was either hot or consistent for the 3.5 hours. Fish have moved up shallow just above the shelf that surrounds the lake. Almost all the fish were caught on the ENE shore line. What a great morning.
Mar 15 2025
John Freeman
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Nice day there Steve. We always have ourselves to go fishing with us. Thenpeace n quite is priceless at times, then the day bellies bite!