Fishing 101 Deer Trail

Oct 11 2012

Robert Lundin


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Took a guest that had never fished before today. It is amazing how much we take for granted when we hit the lake. I’m talking knots, the rod and reel, the lures, presentation, casting, reeling and releasing. 
We got to the lake around 10AM in a down pour. by the time we got the boat loaded and first set of instructions done it was just a misty drizzle. His first cast with a Steve Alexander secret lure he catches a 17 incher. He is disappointed when I tell him to throw his first born back into the lake. Second cast he repeats the first except the fish is only 15 inches.
All in all he got a B for the day. Because at 3:30pm he wanted to leave.  His arm was sore from casting, he was tired and thought his wife was worrying about him. I assured him she was having a great time shopping while he was away.

So we end our 5 and 1/2 hours of fishing with 42 Bass of which 12 were under 14 inches.  We had a 17, two 18’s and my guest caught a 20 inches that had to be 5 pounds. It regurgitated two small tilipa. I did spot two big white tilipa in the north end swimming above the weeds.

The owner has done a great job clearing out the entrance to the water and the general parking area. Give her my thanks.

Posted By: Robert Lundin

Oct 11 2012

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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your fishing buddy was tired after 5 hrs of fishing. and he is worried about his wife. tell him im over 60 yrs old and can go longer than that. and about the worrying about his wife, well how many members want to give him a good ribbing about that.

Oct 13 2012

Robert Lundin


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I know it broke my heart.  4 hours of driving (2each way).  I was hoping to stay until 6 or 7 pm as the buzz bait bite was just starting.  We had perfect gray skies.  Catching fish all over the lake as I was just letting the north east wind blow us around.  Since he is my barber I couldn’t throw him out of the boat.  But the next time if there is one we will go in two separate cars.  I’m the guy who usually puts in 12 hours on a lake.  Deer Trail is a great location and ideal for any novice fishermen as long as they are not worried about their wife.  I think he had the idea we would sit in a chair on the bank and drown worms.  Oh well live and learn.

Oct 25 2012

Larry Maupin


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You were very gracious as usual, Bob. I probably would have handed him my cell phone so he could call his wife then invite him to take a nap in the truck so he’d be refreshed for the evening top water bite. But that’s just me.

Bob, thank you for being a champion for the new guys. We really appreciate you!