Nice Day at Chimney Rock

Dec 20 2024

John Egan

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 41894
Property Name : Rock Chimney
Reservation Date : 12/19/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 9 to 3.7lb
Lures Used : Watermelon Red Wacky Worm and Pit Boss Craw ColorVpit

Bank fished from 8:30 AM to about 2:30PM. The air temp was 43 and the sun was bright when I arrived. It warmed up nicely but the sky remained clear. Water was about 2  feet low and visibility was about 1 foot, but appeared very healthy. Slight chop early but flattened out around 10:30 AM. No visible vegetation. Caught 7 and lost a few just moving along the bank by the boat launch. Caught 2 directly across the lake  moving from the lone cedar tree toward the dam. Wacky worm most productive.  All but 1 fish were 2.5 to 3.5 range with the largest weighing 3.7lb. Had a nice visit with the landowner.