Smith Ranch--Sept 13

Sep 13 2012

Bruce Prindle


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Caught 25 up to 3.2 lbs, and all but 2 came in less than 18” of water!  The fish were charging baitfish in the shallowest pockets.  Of the 25, 8 were badly stunted or were wasting behind the shoulders.  With few weeds evident and the school of bass hammering the bait in the shallows, I wonder if they have enough forage.  I fished there this spring and all bass were healthy, but these were very thin and stressed.

They were still a lot of fun!

Posted By: Bruce Prindle

Sep 15 2012

Jay Reese

Slot Fish

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I fished there couple of times in early summer few of fish I caught seemed skinny caught between 25 and 30 each time. Too many fish in lake maybe?

Sep 20 2012

John E. Harvey


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I have fished this lake on numerous occasions and always enjoy the fight these fish put up. They are strong. I have rarely caught “dinks” so if some harvesting is in order, a slot of 14” to 16/17” might prove more effective. I would hate for these fish to decline. Maybe the “stress” being experienced is summer and the heat. Whatever choice the club makes, harvest or wait and see, this fishery is a beauty and needs our care.

Sep 20 2012

Jay Reese

Slot Fish

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I agree lots of quality fish don’t think I caught single one under 14 inches. Caught a 6 pounder there in May I think it was. Big fish in there too saw one looked to be 10 plus chasing a baitfish on bank his back sticking out of water. Started shaking trying to reel in to get a cast to him. Lol

Sep 24 2012

Steve Alexander


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Sorry for the late post. I was surpised about 8 fish being badly stunted. This is one of a handful of lakes that we tout as being one of the healthiest lakes in the club. It makes little since to me on why or how this fishery continues to produce such healthy fish, but it does. The lake has little to know vegetation and virtually no cover, but it does have a extremely fertile water from the fertilizer runoff from the adjacent hay fields.
This is the first report that I can recall that someone has reported stunted fish. So, thank you! It is reports like this that help notify us of a potential issue. We will keep and eye on this fishery.