Great two weekends at Julian!

Nov 12 2024

Markus Castillo


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Reservation Number : 41447
Property Name : Julian Lake
Reservation Date : 11/09/2024 All Day - 11/09/2024 All Day
Total Fish/Sizes : Over 200 LMB over two trips
Lures Used : Spinner bait, swim baits, worms

I forgot to post the last time we were at Julian. However, both times we caught over 100 bass, culled over 100 and returned over another 100. There were a lot between over 14” and 16” range we returned. The largest of the two trips was 20.5” with a couple 19.25”. The lake is open as far as the banks and grass but still grass throughout the lake making it a specific type of fishing works and others are only going to get stuck with grass. We used the spiner bait, swim baits, some topwater action with the buzz bait. Definitely will be going back again. 

Thanks again to the land owner and PWF for a great property!