Hot windy summer day in October

Oct 23 2024

Hal ODell


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Reservation Number : 41288
Property Name : Cody Ranch Hart Lakes
Reservation Date : 10/22/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 11, up to 3 lb
Lures Used : Many

First time fishing Lower Hart. Still don't know the best way to get to the water and launch. Just went across pasture to southeast side and backed the boat in. 

Hot, very windy. Water a bit dingy, despite lack of rain. Fishing slow, basically turned off after about 10:00. I bailed about 12:00. Most fish caught on Texas rig creature bait, some on spinnerbait. One small fish on Choppo. 

Seems like this should be a good producer. Tons of timber in 5-10 ft of water, as well as shallower. Some shallow flats. Also lots of vegetation. I'll give it another shot, once fall actually arrives