Oct 14 2024
Brad Bass
Reservation Number : 41228
Property Name : Waterboo Lake: Bedrock Ranch
Reservation Date : 10/13/2024 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 6 under 14", 3 16-20"
Lures Used : blue and black spinner baits caught most of the fish. Also tried top water, plastic worms, lizards, and twitch baits
We started at about 2:00. The fish were biting for a couple of hours then got really slow. It was windy when we started but the calmer it got the less bites we got. Most of the fish were caught on the opposite side of where you load the boat.
Oct 14 2024
Steve Alexander
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Not a lot of fish, but catching a 20” one is solid. 3 years ago the biggest anyone caught was 15”. Our harvest has really helped!!