Oct 06 2024
Rick Christy
Reservation Number : 41024
Property Name : Timber Lake
Reservation Date : 10/04/2024 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 13 Total: 7 Under 14" 6 Over
Lures Used : Swim Bait, TX Rig, Wacky Worm, Frog
It was a great time because my 15 year old grandson came to visit and go bass fishing. He had never really bass fished, so it was all new to him. We started with a white swim bait and after a slow start he started catching fish. We ended the afternoon with 13 total. Nothing big, largest was 2 lbs, but he had a great time and we now have a new fisherman in the family. Timber Lake was beautiful as usual. Great Day!
Oct 06 2024
Jerry Gaither
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What was the water level? Can a boat be launched from the ramp?