Tough Day at Triple J

Sep 01 2012

James Mathis


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I think the August heat and blue moon got me today.  Caught and harvested one bass about 12 inches.  Tried several crank baits, which normally work well on this lake, and caught the one fish.  Nada on weightless worm, weighted worm and lizard, tube, top water.  I have had some really good days on this lake, so this was a little surprising.  But that’s how fishing goes!

Posted By: James Mathis

Sep 02 2012

Mr. Sandy L. Embry


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James - Don’t feel bad, me and a buddy went to Triple J the day before - Friday morning and caught 2 between us.  Tried everything you did with the same results and it was nearly ideal conditions Friday morning, cloudy, not too hot and a little breeze.  Everything lined up but catching fish.  The slow days help you appreciate the good ones even more.

Sep 03 2012

Robert Nachtrieb


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My wife and I were there Mon a.m. for 3 hrs and only got 2 hits!  We’ve always had good luck at this lake.  But a tough day on the lake is always better than being in the office!

Sep 03 2012

Jay Reese

Slot Fish

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Hope not bad sign I’m going Saturday usually do real well there usually catch between 15 and 20 there probably will fish whole day there I have found evening to be better than morning there sometimes. I live real close usually book full day fish morning till about 11 and return in evening about 5