Fog in July

Jul 25 2024

Chris Casner

Slot Fish

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Arrived to dense fog, couldn’t see 1/4 of a mile, fog stuck around for a while in the early morning then it was bluebird skies and no wind in the AM, clouds and wind increased a little in the afternoon. I guess a typical July day in TX except for the fog. Fished with member Randy Groves in separate boats. Randy said the water temp was 85, both lakes looked very fertile with 2-4 visibilty but not chocolate milk. Total of 25 with 7 culls, largest a little over 3 lbs, mostly related to the limited cover and all fought hard.  Soft plastics were the ticket on this day. Randy did catch a handfull early on a toad. I think we caught more fish on the lake linked by the canal then the main lake. Lakes could use some structure. The havest report function isn’t working and it’s after 5:00 so submitting regular fishing report.