Fun morning at Harrison Ranch

Jul 08 2024

Markus Castillo


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Reservation Number : 40220
Property Name : Harrison Ranch
Reservation Date : 07/07/2024 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 12
Lures Used : Fluke and trick worm

We arrrived around 6:30 am with clear water and air temps in the low 80’s to 90’s when we left. It started fast we thought but they were just slapping the top water lures and not commiting to the bite. Once the sun came over the trees, they pushed out to around or under cover and shad lines.

We found them in front of the house under the shad, we found them near the wire fence divider and also near the dam on the far side in that pocket.

Most of the bites were on the trick worm and a couple came off the fluke.

Thanks again to the land owner and PWF for a great property.