Nice Property....still a ton of dinks

Jun 12 2024

Chris Bean


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First time there and a beautiful property.  Took my 8 year old son trying to get him hooked on fishing and this place did the trick.   Fished for day and a half and he caught 16.  I caught 20 but it could have been 120 because you will catch a dink literally every cast.  I was busy taking his fish off and baiting his hook, so I probably only casted 20 times.  A green colored fluke will catch you a fish every cast.  Only one was 16”, the rest smaller so we kept them and disposed of them.  Once this place gets all of the dinks out it should be a great lake, and if you just want numbers this is definitely the lake for you.

Jun 13 2024

Steve Alexander


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Your right. Thanks for harvesting and doing your part. it will take a couple of years, but our membership is awesome. We have done this at Canton Kickappo, Crockett Hickory Creek, Decatur Waterboo to name a few. We have turned these lakes from virtually no fish over 14” to lakes where the average fish is now 2 lbs. And catching several over 4 lbs in a day of fishing is common.