Very windy day; but good morning start at Bremmond

Jun 04 2024

William Taparauskas


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Reservation Number : 40039
Property Name : Bremmond
Reservation Date : 06/03/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 7 Total LMB; smallest about 1.5lb; largest about 3.5lb
Lures Used : Bank Fishing; topwaters, frogs, then went to worms

First PWF experience.  I live in Georgetown, and fewer properties are nearby – so it took me a while to finally join.  Glad that I did.

My son and I arrived at the gate at 7am; the area around lake is VERY thick and tall with weeds, grasses, sunflowers.  Bankfishing here is not for the faint of heart.  We sweated and hacked our way throught, and saw several snakes and ran off something that was on the bank but too thick to see. 

It was overcast and early, so we decided to get fishing quickly – we jumped out and started throwing topwaters from the bank.  Had 2 quick strikes and one quick catch.  Then, pretty steady until 10am. Caught the big one on a little plug; caught Total of 7 in the 3 hrs fished with at least as many misses.  Fish were nestled on shoreline, underneath the cover but the wind picked up to 15-20+ and it went dead. (we also saw them jumping out to get dragonflies a few times)

Great location; cannot wait to fish it again.  Should have read the info more clearly, because we were dissapointed that no paddles or trolling motor for the jon boat.  We wil prepare better next time!

Jun 05 2024

Eric Carr


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Welcome to the club!

Jun 06 2024

Jenny Mashburn


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Go get you a trolling motor and get back out there.  We live in Austin and fish it a lot.  IT has some monsters in it.  Did it look full?

Jenny M.  

Jun 07 2024

John Freeman


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Welcome to the club! You will find each lake has its charm, some have challenges. Some are well manicured than others, some are as raw as nature intended. When you ready for your trolling motor get at least a 40lb thrust. 30’s will wear batteeries quick. If you can go Lithium battery, lightweight and long lasting (100A/Hr I use, get all day with it). Also get an extra drain plug as you never know (maybe a couple different sizes). My first PWF experience I am glad I had one..

Tight lines!