Nice morning at Tara

May 20 2024

Aaron Zimmer


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Reservation Number : 39895
Property Name : Tara Lake
Reservation Date : 05/18/2024 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 6 / 2lb
Lures Used : topwater & worms

We got to the water about 7:45am and left at noon. lake is full / water 75 deg / visibility about a foot. No wind until about 11am. First 2 hours there was topwater action pretty much everywhere on the shore (opposite of the launch area). I didn’t realize how rusty I was at flippin frogs and I certainly lost my fair share of bass because of it. We got 6 in the boat. All but 1 were over 2lbs (largest 2.4). Lost a few good one’s boat side before we could net them. The cove in the back is deep enough to fish now and we had a snake climb the trolling motor and hop in with us which was fun for my boy to see his dad freak out slightly. Luckily not a venomous snake because he hid under the seat the next two hours and slid out once I flipped the boat over at the end of the day. 

Black/green frogs and yamamoto watermelon / orange-red worms were what they were biting. I can’t wait to get back out there again soon. Beautiful lake.