Loving Laneville

May 12 2024

Rodney Schroeder


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Reservation Number : 39785
Property Name : Hidden Springs Ranch
Reservation Date : 05/11/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 29 lmb and 1 grass pickerel
Lures Used : soft plastics, underspin

I have fished Laneville more than any other lakes and in my opinion the top of the lakes I have been on. Of all the time I have fished this lake this was the first time to catch a grass pickerel.

Air temp: 65-82

Water temp: 76-80

Clarity: 18-24” near dam clearer.

Got on the water around 8am and had fist cull fish in the boat in less than five minutes. Picked a scattered fish or two until I got to the shallow flat up in the long cove on east side of lake.  After catching 7-8 mostly culls on an underspin with fluke decided to “leave biting fish” and see what if could find some larger fish.  All of my usual spots only produced 1-2 fish.  After a break at lunch decided to try the bank opposite boat house especially the part near quick drop ot 18+’ water.  Caught a few more culls but the majority of the 15 returned fish here on Texas rigged Senko.  If the wind had not picked up I am sure I could have caught multiple fish from small areas along this bank especially near any tree tops in water.

Started cleaning the culls by 2:30 so I feel a productive day. No culls under 12”.  One still had eggs that appeared to ready for spawn. On another the electric filet knife made a grinding noise and found a hook that must have passed through stomach wall into the body cavity but fish appeared to be healthy.

Had a great visit with Randy the owner as I was finishing taking care of the culls.  He is more than appreciative of the club stance on removing culls and is hoping to be able to produce some really quality fish. I thanked him for the allowing the club to be able to enjoy such a beautiful setting with the bonus of being able to cath a few fish.