Fun afternoon at Julian Lake

May 05 2024

Markus Castillo


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Reservation Number : 39464
Property Name : Julian Lake
Reservation Date : 05/04/2024 PM - 05/04/2024 PM
Total Fish/Sizes : 42 LMB
Lures Used : Spinner bait, craw, swimbaits and frog

We arrived for the PM trip and the weather was mostly cloudy to clear with a few clouds later in the afternoon.

The water was a little muddy from the previous rain. We started with some frogs and caught around 10 before we changed over to spinner baits and most of the remaining fish were caught on the spinner bait. We also had a few on swimbaits with a total of 42 LMB and 31 culls. The largest of the day was 5.20 at 19” with a couple of 4’s, and a few 2-3 lbers over 14”.

Trolling is tough everywhere with the grass. I kayaked the last time out and will continue to going forward. You get gummed up a lot and have to adjust regularly trolling in the boat. However, we will be back with kayaks soon to have another great day at Julian lake. This property is growing on me.

Thanks again to the land owner and PWF for another great day!