Good Day on Bluffs

May 04 2024

Jeff Chung


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Reservation Number : 39338
Property Name : The Bluffs of Sandy Shores
Reservation Date : 05/03/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 55 total with 1 7.56 lber and several 3-4 lbers
Lures Used : Frog, swimsuit, worms

Started off early morning hoping the storm would not come our way. Morning was a little slow but was able to catch a few and a nice 7.56 lber. Things then slowed down with some strong winds from about 10am to 1:30pm then the bite picked up when the winds slowed down and the sun came out.  

There was a good amount of weeds but was able to grind through it and ended up with a pretty good day of fishing with a total of 55 bass.  We did lose a decent amount bass after hooking up in the thick of the weeds.

As always the bass here are super healthy and strong fighters. Even the small culls felt like 3lbs.