Good Day from the Bank

Apr 24 2024

John Egan

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 39573
Property Name : Post Oak Lake
Reservation Date : 04/23/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 21 up to 20 inches
Lures Used : Pit Boss craw color Texas rig, wacky worm chartreuse color

Began with air temp at 55, bright sun, and water clear to 2 feet. About 10 AM, air temp in the 70s, and sky now overcast with a strong wind out of the south. Lake full to spillway. The last time I fished here the 2 fish feeders were being rebuilt and both were now functional and appeared to be timed at 8 and 9 am.  Much of the shore line is now planted with Spike Rush which extends  4-10 feet into the lake in places. Along the actual shore now shows some Juncus Rush. Appears the land owner may have added these for habitat restoration (plant invasive management, errosion control), as well as providing good fish cover. Around 11 AM a tank truck pulled up on the dam and unloaded what looked like 2-3 inch shade. So it looks like the bass in the lake sb well fed.

I caught fish around most of the lake at various depths including right along the Spike Rush. Currently, you can fish a weedless lure into it with no problem. I also pulled hooked fish easily through it to the bank. Most fish caught on the Pit Boss.