Big Bass Contest - Apr - Jun 2024

Apr 08 2024

Scott Quigley


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Hi everyone,

The Big Bass Contest is back for 2024!  We are doing two contests, one is Jan-Mar and the other is Apr-Jun, we will be tracking the Apr-Jun entries here.  If you haven’t entered yet, it is $25 to join the Apr-Jun contest, reach out to us at or 214-871-0044.  We will pay $100 to the big fish winner each month and then three places at the end of each contest, 1st place gets $4002nd place gets $200 and 3rd place gets $100.  The unique identifier for pictures for this one is a scale or other fish weighing device.

Good luck, PWF Team

Leader Board

Markus Castillo – May 25 – Grand Saline Harrison Ranch – 25.5 inches (1st PLACE OVERALL AND MAY WINNER)

John Shepard – April 7 – Bryan Post Oak – 24.25 inches (2nd PLACE OVERALL AND APRIL WINNER)

Jerry Gaither – May 27 – Wills Point Double A – 24.25 inches (3rd PLACE OVERALL)

Markus Castillo – June 1 – Wills Point Double A – 23.5 inches (JUNE WINNER)

Cody Hill – May 18 – Gilmer Hat and Star – 23 inches

Mike Svoboda – April 7 – Detroit Wildcat Creek Ranch – 22.5 inches

Jeff Chung – May 3 – Terrell The Bluffs of Sandy Shores – 22.5 inches

Cody Hill – June 15 – Ben Wheeler Azalea Ranch – 22.5 inches

Mike Svoboda – June 16 – Gilmer Hat and Star Ranch – 22.25 inches

Pam Daugherty – May 1 – Ferris Triple J – 21.5 inches

Jerry Gaither – May 18 – Wills Point Double A – 21.5 inches

Markus Castillo – May 18 – Gilmer Hat and Star – 21.5 inches

Jerry Gaither-June 10- Wills Point Double A 21.5 inches

Cody Hill – May 5 – Winnsboro Sandy Creek Ranch – 20.75 inches

Jerry Gaither – April 22 – Wills Point Double A – 20.25 inches

Lance McWhorter – April 30 – Neches Paradise Compound – 20.25 inches

Jerry Gaither – April 8 – Wills Point Double A – 20 inches