Fly Fishing morning

Apr 04 2024

Sean Polk


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Reservation Number : 39313
Property Name : Salt Lick Lake
Reservation Date : 04/04/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 1 under and 6 overs up to 4 lbs
Lures Used : Fly Fishing, Bluegill colored streamers and olive divers

We started off at 7:30 with temps around 48 degrees and clear skies. Most fish were caught on a bluegill colored steamer on a slow sinking intermediate line. Fish were generally within 5 feet of the edge of the drop off that surrounds the lake. We had two fish eat a diver right against the bank. We sight casted to both fish. Water temps were 64-67 degrees and water was super clear with at least 4 feet visibility.  We lost a few more fish to “trout sets” including one that looked bigger than 4 lbs. 

Apr 05 2024

Mike Nicoloff

Slot Fish

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That must ne a blast on a fly rod!!  Was there still a good layer of algea slime around the shore and structure?