Mar 27 2024
Paul Brinson
I fished at Tara Lake, on 3/23 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. I caught 2 small bass, about 12-13” each, one on a chartreuse/white tandem spinnerbait and the other on a chartreuse buzzbait. I had a couple of short strikes on the buzzbait. I also tried a swimbait/underspin, Senko, lipless & square bill crankbaits, chatterbait, & jig/trailer. The only vegetation that I saw was some reeds in the shallows next to the bank, and a bunch of snotmoss. I used the PWF boat, and found a 3-4’ snake when I first turned it over. It was brown and only about as big around as a quarter. The drive from 35 was real pretty, and I passed through some nice towns, Valley View, Muenster, and Era. They were having some kind of festival in Valley View and had kids bounce houses and food vendors, etc. I called it an early day due to it being slow and wanting to get home to watch March Madness.
Mar 28 2024
John Freeman
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When the rains stop and lake recedes a foot or so fishing will be good through June. Lots of fresh water in there. Me and another member there last week and didn't fare well. I have had good days there. Do not let that one day disappointe you. Is is a good lake. When they are on, they are on good.