Cat, Dogs, Geese, and aBig Ol’ Belly. Oh my

Mar 20 2024

John Freeman


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Reservation Number : 39018
Property Name : Tara Lake
Reservation Date : 03/19/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 3 Bass(one was 6lb+,1 Cat.
Lures Used : Plastics

Beautiful day. Fog rising at daybreak. As day progresses really not much fish action. Several geese were doing their thing, being noisy. Dogs from the house on the hill barking off n on all day as trucks came in and out of the property on the south. 
Fellow member Steve Scanlon joined me for the day. Mid morning he got a decent little catfish. Figured as old as that lake was the are kitties in there. That was first fish of the day. I got a fat 2lb just after lunch and a dink an hour later and that was it 

Late in the day Steve hollers. He nailed a 6lb+ up at the dam!  Nice job!  Fat fat fish (see pic).

Tara is about 3 inches high and flowing over spillway. Also the brush piles are not as robust as they were. The flood last year moved them around. Be sure when you find a white pole do not hesitate to fish 50’ as you may find some. 

Water was murky early but got to 12” via afternoon. Temps 59-63, one pocket of 64. 

also the debris in the water are stirred up leaves and small branches from fresh water entering  the lake from the pond to the north. Throw anything with a treble and most likely you will get one every cast. Until the rains cease andlake goes down a little it will probably be like that for a while

Great overall day on the water, great to fish with Steve. 
tight lines ya’ll