Mar 10 2024
Markus Castillo
Reservation Number : 38551
Property Name : Double A Lake
Reservation Date : 03/09/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 30 LMB ranging from 8.75” to 4.5 lbs at 19”
Lures Used : Craw was the bait
We got to Double A and fished from 8 am to 5 pm. It was windy all day around 12-15 mph. The water temperature was 64 degrees in most places. The road to access the property is in great condition. The property has a nice flat bottom. Two people can comfortably stand and fish in this boat.
The AM bite only produced 3 bits on rattle trap all morning. We took a lunch break and came back to warmer air temperatures. We found them on the bank in the snot grass using craw soft plastics.
We ended culling 21 and returned 9. Our largest of the day was 19” and weighed 4.5 lbs.
However, even that little 8.75” bass was a fighter and these bass are fatties. The culls were footballs and heavy. This property definitely has some of the best looking, hard fighting, fat bass they are producing.
Thanks again to the land owner and PWF. We will be back soon.
Mar 10 2024
John Freeman
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Those fish are definitely the linebackers of the club. Hardest fighting fish I ever encountered. Maybe you will get a 7-9 pounder there next time. Better eat your wheaties.