Mar 10 2024
Bruce Bernard
Slot Fish
Reservation Number : 38862
Property Name : Waelder Heartbrand Ranch
Reservation Date : 03/09/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : Bunch
Lures Used : Chase Baits
It was cold and windy on 3/9 at the beautiful HeartBrand Ranch. The lake was full and full of whitecaps, and aggressive bass and catfish.
it was 48 degrees and the wind was howling at 20mph with gust to 30-35. The morning started slow but the bite picked up throughout the day. I ended up catching a bunch of very healthy bass and 5 hungry catfish.
The bass were among the healthiest I have seen at any lake, they struck and fought hard. There was not a cull among the bass with most of the fish going 3 pounds or better.
Best fishing was in the big creek area all day and along the dam as the day warmed up a bit.
Mar 10 2024
Eric Carr
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Bruce, how was the vegetation there? And did you catch any catfish?