Mar 03 2024
Mike Nicoloff
Slot Fish
Reservation Number : 38789
Property Name : Long Lake
Reservation Date : 03/02/2024 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 15
Lures Used : TRIG
Fished Long Lake on Saturday and caught 15 with the largest going 6lbs 6oz. Also caught one that weighed 5.1, another 4.11 and every bite was aggressive and their was nothing subtle with these fish. Maybe I am still used to the winter bite but I had a couple 4 pounders stripping drag and I seriously thought I had an 7+ pounder on as it dove straight down to 20 ft of water. Surprisingly, I only had one cull this trip. You will see on the big bass the anal fin is pretty beat up and that was the only fish I saw that had signs it was working a bed.
Also as stated in the title, over the holiday break I worked with Eric and we sunk 100 trees in Long. I attached a map I made of the lake, and the boat icon represents the launch area. The gray square / waypoint denotes the area where we put the trees and we put them in a straight line that starts at 16ft in the center (at the ledge) and falling to 21 ft as you get closer shore. I also included a couple pics from the side scan and down scan. Hopefully this will provide some cover for the shad in the summertime and create a hotspot.
Mar 03 2024
John Freeman
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Nice job Mike. I gotta get out there