Jan 04 2024
Jeff Pennell
Reservation Number : 38229
Property Name : MK Ranch
Reservation Date : 01/03/2024 PM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 17; 3 culls, 14 ranging from 2-5 lbs
Lures Used : Senko, jig, slow spinner
I a had rare mid-week opportunity and decided to try to redeem myself after the technical issues 3 days prior so I headed out to MK early afternoon on Wednesday. I arrived, new battery in hand, and fished from 2-5:15. I almost immediately headed to the east end fishing in the timber slowly. It was sunny with little wind. I picked up the best fish, 5+, out of a submerged tree about 8-10 feet off the bank. I wandered through the timber field heading south for about an hour without another bite. The sun dipped just below the tree tops at 4:20 as I rounded the SE corner and it was on from there. The were bunched up all along the south bank all the way back to the boathouse, most hits coming about 5-6 feet off the bank on the Senko. The three smaller fish were mixed in but the rest were typical MK, 2-4 lb, beautiful fighting machines. It was a beautiful day and this lake is one of the most consistent for me.
Jig fishing was not productive as the slime moss on the bottom is still an interference.
Great quick trip!
Jan 04 2024
Steve Alexander
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5 and hour is a great day in January. Especially with a 5 lb kicker!