Great Day on the water

Nov 13 2023

Ramonito Caruana


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Reservation Number : 37792
Property Name : Bluebonnet Ridge
Reservation Date : 11/12/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 23
Lures Used : Chatterbait/Whopper Plopper

Fished Buebonnet Ridge 10am-4pm, sun came out once in a while but mostly it was overcast, think the high was in low 60s. Lake is full, the vegetation towards the middle visible during my previous visit is under water. Water temperature was in low 60s. Mainly fished south side of the lake, by 11:30am boated 10 fish mostly caught 20ft from shore, started to venture to the creek opening and got couple more, was going to take a break and eat my Sandwich, but suddenly saw several 3 pounder jumping out of the water in the south creek cut(biggest cut in middle of creek channel), continued to fish until 1:30pm and caught 8 more bigger fish. After taking a break went further into the back creek, caught 3 more. Caught 23 total, 1 X 4.5lb, 5 X 3-3.5lb, most were 1.5-2.5lb and 4 were less than a pound. This was a fantastic outing, I don’t see several 3 pounder airborne often.