Oct 30 2023
Markus Castillo
Reservation Number : 37580
Property Name : MK Ranch
Reservation Date : 10/28/2023 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 35
Lures Used : Swimbaits and Arig
Man, let me tell you the small ones came out to play this morning at MK. Normally a few culls at MK Ranch. However, we caught 30 under 14” and the largest today was a 4.34, 3.48, and a 3.78 returned with two more over the 14”. We used small black and blue 3” swimbaits and the A – Rig most of the day running down the bank opposite the house and down to the trees. First time we got a lot of bites in the trees at the back of the lake. Thanks again to the land owner and PWF.
Oct 30 2023
Steve Alexander
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You are right that it is not a typical day at MK. MK is home to the 2-5 lb bass. Rarely catch much below that size and rarely catch many above that size.