Saturday Oct 28th - Blue Rock, Wills Point - slipped in an afternoon of fishing after the heavy rains

Oct 30 2023

Mark Daugherty


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Reservation Number : 37635
Property Name : Blue Rock Lake
Reservation Date : 10/28/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 24 + 1 large cat
Lures Used : most effective lures were: 3.8 and 4.3 paddletails with and without underspin, spinnerbait, soft jerkbait

Pam and I made it out to Blue Rock after the heavy rains (owner Eric mentioned that he received 7 IN over the last two days). We were just happy to get a half day of fishing in – many property lakes would be unreachable. The bite might have cooled a little with the influx of water and rising lake level, but we still managed to land 24 bass up to 2.5 LBS and 1 5.5 LB cat (on a spinnerbait) from about 1PM to 6PM and harvested 16 of the 24. The most effective lures were: 3.8 and 4.3 paddletails with and without underspin, spinnerbait, soft jerkbait in mostly shad colors. The bass were suspended in 14 to 18 FOW along with some chasing up in the dirt shallow “new” water. The water was 70F with visibility to 4FT even after the rains. We met Eric on the way out and he was genuinely interested in us finding some fish and having a good time. Can’t wait to get out again – thanks PWF and our great property owners!
