Great Lake

Oct 22 2023

Rick Svoboda

Slot Fish

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Reservation Number : 37622
Property Name : Double A Lake
Reservation Date : 10/21/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 14 - Biggest 5lbs 14 oz.
Lures Used : Swim Bait & Texas rigged Senko

Mike and I fished from 1:00 to 6:45 on Saturday afternoon.  Great weather to be on the water.  Warm with a light south wind.  The lake level is down about 3 ½ feet, but there is a lot of deep water to fish.  Water temperature was 69 degrees.  Water clarity was 3’ to 4’.  We caught 14 fish of which we harvested 3.  The biggest one caught by Mike was 5 lbs 14oz.  (picture attached)  The others were 17” to 19” except for the 3 harvest fish.  All the fish were fat and healthy.  A swim bait and a Texas rigged Senko were the lures that worked.  Most of the fish were caught in the deep water just off the grass line.  A couple were caught along the ridge out in the middle were it is 15’ to 17’ deep with 25’ to 30’ depths along the sides.  The lake has lots of groceries (see attached picture) and lots of deep water.  Joe came down to talk with us.  A great guy who is always looking for ways to improve our fishing experience.  This site has a great boat ramp that make launching and recovering our two small boats very easy.  This is an awesome property that we always enjoy fishing and will fish again.