Sep 10 2023
Ron Dupree
Reservation Number : 37244
Property Name : Post Oak Lake
Reservation Date : 09/09/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 44 Bass
Lures Used : crank bait, Whacky rigged weightless plastics, Drop Shot,
Fellow PWF member John Shepard and i fished Post Oak on Saturday 9/9. We arrived at 6:30 to very calm conditions and proceeded to rig the on-site mini pontoon with our gear, we started on the dam and moved clockwise around the perimeter with top water and weightless plastics, the bite and quality of fish was good. We were on the water for a couple of hours and noticed off in the distance the rumble of thunder and before you know it were sittin in the truck waiting for a little storm to pass over us. We were delayed about 40 minutes until the rain and wind subsided. Best action was on the banks all around the perimeter with weightess plastics and sqarebills around the stumps. John found a 24 ¾ inch 8 lber on the bank near the bridge. Overall we caught 44 bass and culled 20.
Sep 10 2023
Steve Alexander
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Love to see a picture of the big one!