Sep 05 2023
Alex Elrod
Reservation Number : 37216
Property Name : JerMar Lake
Reservation Date : 09/04/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 23 total with 6 culls
Lures Used : Frogs & Dep Cover Scat!
A long time friend recently caught the fishing bug so I told him about PWF – he’s looking into membership now! But wanted to take him out so he could see what he’s missing. We arrived right as the sun was beginning to rise and left just after 1:30/2pm ish. The bite completely fell off after noon. Beautiful, beautiful overcast day with mild temps until the early afternoon the sun started to show – wasn’t mad at the weather at all.
Third cast before launching our kayaks he landed a 2.5 pounder. Once we launched we worked the bank lines and every once in a while would cast deep. We were having such productive casts fishing shallow that we didn’t hammer the deep(er) sections much. We probably missed 10+ fish due to pre-mature hooksets on blow ups and the fish racing down into the grass and tossing the bait. I think we’ve all experienced it but there’s nothing like a lure rocketing back at your face when a fish gets off! The wind was a bit of a problem from 10-1 (as it always is with JerMar) but didn’t discourage us from tying off our using anchors to hold us to spots.
We never could break the 2.6lb range. All fish (even the culls) were so feisty. Even after grabbing their lips just they just thrashed and thrashed! It was such a fun day – especially for my buddy who’s not used to fishing a property or seeing results like we did. We just couldn’t find or get the big fish to react to anything we threw at them but that just means a return trip is needed!
Super fun time as always! Thanks PWF and the land owners!
Sep 05 2023
Ryan Sipe
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Sounds like a fun first PWF experience for your friend. Love the topwater bite early at JerMar, albeit those fish are experts at tossing a frog or hanging you in the grass.
Quick questions. Hows the water level as I know it can get low this time of year. I always have the best luck on the side where the road runs in, but that side also loses water the fastest without rain.