Bedrock Ranch 9/1

Sep 01 2023

Jordan Massey


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Reservation Number : 37177
Property Name : Waterboo Lake: Bedrock Ranch
Reservation Date : 09/01/2023 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 16
Lures Used : Wacky Worm

 Arrived on the property about 6:45 and was on the water by about 7:15 Upon arriving down at the lake I immediatly noticed the water level. Its low and getting in and out was a challenge even in a kayak. The problem is, where the water should be the ground is extremly soft. I sunk down to my knees. Launching isn’t impossible as is, just use caution. I honestly think trailer launching vs hand launching would be easier here if you had 4WD. I had pretty good success today catching 16. 8 of those were under 14”, 7 were in the 2lb range, and I had one fish that weighed almost 3. The fish were fat and healthy and fought like 4-5 pounders. As previous reports, there is an abundant amount of grass in the lake, most of it being below the surface but I had no issues fishing with a pedal kayak. Excellent secudled property. I’d hear the occiasional prop airplane flying over and some race cars off in the distance at Eagles Canyon Raceway.