Aug 27 2023
Jordan Massey
Reservation Number : 37110
Property Name : Malouf Lake
Reservation Date : 08/27/2023 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 50
Lures Used : Soft Plastics
I haven’t fished Malouf since my first go round as a member in 2010/11. This trip didn’t disappoint, my uncle caught more than I did (I really hate admitting that) but between the both of us we caught about 50 in a half days fishing. On the water by 645 or so and the only top water interest was a pop r, in which we landed about 10. They wouldn’t hit any other moving baits what so ever. I had good success on TX rig lizards and my uncle had better success on wacky worms. I threw a little bit of everything at them, but plastics were the star of the show today. Most of our catches were right outside the grass line with a few coming from the standing timber in the middle of the lake. I recall there being more standing timber 11/12 years ago but maybe that’s just me. Overall I’d say the lake is 3-5 foot low. The ramp is still in the water and no issues launching or trailering.
To top the trip off, I walked into my house that was 80 degrees. The AC capacitor was out and I had to change it. Really glad we only fished a half day!!!!
Aug 28 2023
Scott Quigley
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Glad you had a good day on your return to Malouf and especially glad you were able to get your AC working!