Jul 08 2023
Sylvester Valdez
Reservation Number : 36889
Property Name : Triple J Ranch
Reservation Date : 07/08/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 12 LMB, 22 Crappie, 1 Mud Cat. LMB from 1 lb to biggest at 3.9 lbs. Crappie from 1 lb to 2.5 lbs.
Lures Used : Baby bass colored flatside crankbait (silent) and Junebug chatterbait
Fished from 7 to 3, fought the wind and crappie all day! Finished with 12 LMB, 8 of which were removed and 22 really big slab Crappie, also removed. 1 mud cat for the home kitty. First visit to this lake, very nice and has plenty of water. Water clear to a couple of feet. Very windy on the water, choppy all the time we fished but we enjoyed the excitement of the big crappie which proceeded to fight like a large mouth and it was fun catching them. This is a great lake if you like crappie before they are culled out. The LMB looked healthy and very strong. The bass were caught around the dead trees and the crappie mostly in open water. Overall, a shortened day and also had a good laugh watching the cattle swim way out into the water to cool off. Thanks to the landowner for allowing us some time to make memories.