Ying and Yang with 2 trips to Button lake

Jun 22 2023

Ryan Sipe


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I am starting to venture outside my normal lakes and when I saw Button lake open back up a few weeks back I booked it. I normally try to post on each trip to help other members, especially since this lake hasn’t been fished in awhile, but life got inthe way (i.e two kids under 2.5 years old) and I just didn’t get around to it.  So here’s two reports in one:

6/14 – AM Fishing

Got to the property just before sunrise in extremely foggy conditions. Tried to use the previous images of how the property was set up, but was tough with how foggy it was.  Just an FYI if you’re using the jon boat on site, you need to follow the road straight thru the gate about 100 yards and park on the side of the road. The boat is perched up on a hill. It’s a little journey about 30 yards uphill each trip from your car in knee deep grass, so just be prepared.

Launched to glass like conditions and 71 degrees.  Very little activity on top to start.  Started right of where the boat is (East) and worked the shoreline.  There are weeds, stick ups and some aquatic plants that I threw a popper and a frog at.  It looks like perfect frog conditions, but only had one blow up that missed.  Caught a couple along the entire East shorelines and fished all the way to the North end which is the old creek bed to no avail.  Caught one outside the island and nothing inside the island on the westwide.  Moved to the SW corner on the S side of the fenceline and that’s where I had multiple fish come all the way out of the water at the popper and miss it.  They wouldn’t hit it on the pause and only moving, so I am surmising the stained water makes it a bit tough for them to zero in on it.  Had a few hits and finally decided to try somethig else.  Nothing on a buzzbait.  

Around 8:30am all of a sudden the lake woke up.  Bait balls all over, bass jumping, so I moved to a Spook and that was the ticket.  Hammers them in the SW corner and on the edges of the grass line.  Caught 10 in less than 15 minutes all 2lbs or better.  Kept working around the lake with some success, but ultimately the South side was the best by far.  Threw a fluke in a couple times after Spook blowups and landed some.  Bill, the owner came down and chatted for a bit.  Super nice guy and brought me some squash, zuccini and tomatoes from his garden that he had just picked.  Such a nice guy and he said he just enjoys seeing people have fun on his lake.

Total for the trip was 24 bass.  All bass except one would’ve been keepers (14”) with the largest at 3.72lbs.  Nice fighting fish that use the grass and plants to their advantage as they immediately dive there when hooked.

6/21 – AM Fishing

Decided to give Button a second go around even though its a good two hours for me from DFW.  Wanted to try it again even with the hot spell we are having.  Arrived at sunrise, 82 degrees, 5-7mph wind to start that moved to 10-12mph by 8:30am (weatherman is always wrong as they said 3-5mph max).  With the wind, very little activity on top and only a few small bait balls spotted.

Started on SW side with a multiple blowups on spook, but the fish just flat out missed.  Three came out of the water at it, but nada.  One miss on the frog and that was the extent of the topwater bite today,  Didn’t expect a ton given how warm it’s been and the fish last time were up really shallow.  Moved to a flook and would cast it deep in the stickups/plants and move it along.  Caught a couple nice ones on both SW and SE sides.  Bite really slowed around 9:30am.  Tried fishing the creek channel all the way down as it’s the deepest water with senko, TR, shakey head and ned rig with zero bites.  Went back to SW corner caught a couple with shakey head and one with fluke.  I barely fished the NE and N ends as the cows were using it for their swimming pool to stay cool in the heat!

6 total for today with best at 3.1lbs.  Still a fun day with the blowups.  I had low expectations with the heat and was very happy with catchig a few.

So my overall, non-professional assessment of this lake is it’s fun.  The fish are extremely healthy, have good bellies and of the 30 fish I caught, still only one would’ve been a cull, which is pretty impressive.  I’m not sure how much action the NE/NE/NW end holds, but I’ve had very little luck there so far.  Would love someone with electronics to check out the creek channel to see if there is anything holding them in there.  I would say this place would be awesome for spring/fall fishing when you see them cruising the shallows as there is a good amount of cover.

Jun 22 2023

Gary Gehring


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I was eager to see your report – congratulations on catching fish there! You probably saw my buddy’s report yesterday – we gave it a really good effort for 3+ hours and didn't manage to even get a single bite, which I think was probably a first for both my buddy and myself! We're used to catching fish no matter where we go.

I also saw the cows in the lake—- always get a chuckle when I see them march into the water – can't blame them for wanting to cool off. 

There's a competitive part to me that wants to head back there to prove to myself that I too can catch something there, but I’m just going to tip my hat to your abilities and leave it at that. Good job sir. 

Ps. And there were two of us in our kayaks—- double wow!


Jun 22 2023

Ryan Sipe


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Originaly Posted By Gary Gehring


I was eager to see your report – congratulations on catching fish there! You probably saw my buddy’s report yesterday – we gave it a really good effort for 3+ hours and didn't manage to even get a single bite, which I think was probably a first for both my buddy and myself! We're used to catching fish no matter where we go.

I also saw the cows in the lake—- always get a chuckle when I see them march into the water – can't blame them for wanting to cool off. 

There's a competitive part to me that wants to head back there to prove to myself that I too can catch something there, but I’m just going to tip my hat to your abilities and leave it at that. Good job sir. 

Ps. And there were two of us in our kayaks—- double wow!


Hi Gary,

I did see the report from 6/20 and was bummed you two didn’t catch anything.  My bad on not getting my original report up last week and it could’ve helped.  It seemed we used a lot of the same things, minus the topwater and flukes.  Topwater is my favorite so I tend to over concentrate on it.  I usually start with a popper and it usually will deliver some fish.  I don’t use a Spook as often, but once the bite slowed ith the Popper on my first trip I wanted to give the 6th Sense Spook (Catwalk) a try.  So I kind of fell into the fish on that one.  I will say, I was casting pretty deep into the junk, so I’d either get a fish or be picking weeds almost every cast.  What was interesting though is the fish were semi active at sunrise, but literally went nuts around 8:30am.  Not sure why.

As for the fluke, I just wanted something weedless, outside of a t-rig to throw into the vegetation.  I worked it pretty quick, jumping it around and had multiple fish “wake” at it.

I am guessing the fish just had an off day for you and your buddy. It stinks especially when you’re trying a new lake.  The good thing is there are so many great options withhin PWF, your next trip will surely deliver!

I’d suggest giving Button another try when it’s not as hot as there def. are quality fish in there.  I still keep telling myself I am going to buy some electronics as I really would like to see whats lurking in that creek channel in the deep water.