Jun 20 2023
Charles McCarble
Harrison Ranch has 2-great little lakes with very clear water. Eel grass is abundant in the shallow end of the big lake and about 8’ around the bank in the rest of the lake. As we customarily do a few days prior to and the night before, we checked the weather channel app.to see what to expect. It called for winds 5-10 mph, with wind out of the SSE at 8 mph. When we arrived, the winds were blowing steady at 15 with gust up to 25. There was bad weather there the night before, we saw many tree limbs down along the highway on the way there. With all that said, we managed to catch 15+ bass…they all looked to be around 2-2½ lbs., the largest @ 3 lbs. Almost everything was caught on plastic. T-rig swim baits and brush hogs worked best. If you want to take the grandkids for a great day on the water, look no further! This place has a healty population of fish. Thanks again to PWF and the lanowner for an enjoyable experience.
Jun 21 2023
John Freeman
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Good job on putting some fish in the boat. Weather folk are well paid to get their job ½ right (or wrong)- and they have nice hair.