May 31 2023
John Freeman
Reservation Number : 36437
Property Name : Cody Ranch: Moonshine Lake
Reservation Date : 05/30/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 30 cullers/ 40 overs 5lb 5oz largest/ Lost 6 around 5lb
Lures Used : Underspin, wacky, brush hog,
Got to lake at sun up. Let my transducer at home so I do I dont have depth/temp info. I guess 18-25 deepest with a lot of 6-10ft Timber areas. Lilly pads and grass 1-6ft. Temp warm to my finger, but not too warm.
Had action all day. Threw a wacky rig first time with great success. 4 lb largest wacky.
Threw larger and smaller underspin. 5 lb 5oz on smaller. I did loose late afternoon several fish that was 5 lb or larger. I saw 2 as they spit the spin and laughed.
I also was comparing the tenacity of these fish to AA. Had several fish in the upper 2’s pull my boat, these fish also would stay down, pulled like freight trains. Two of the ones I lost had me in trees and the pull they made before the line broke is a type that is unforgettable and notes a BIG fish.
Cody Ranch is amazing. Thank you PWF and Cody Ranch for making this piece of heaven available. Of my top 5 club lakes, Cody now has 2 in it. These lakes also see very little pressure. It can be worth the trip.
Note: The Cabin porch is wonderful. Not sure the Swallow deterrents are working (see pic). Also a previous post noted a parasite. May need assess the red ear population. Also saw a MASSIVE snapping turtle north end pocket.
Jun 01 2023
Dale Pybus
Slot Fish
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Awesome report.
Thanks for posting.