Great day at Laneville

May 20 2023

Rodney Schroeder


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Reservation Number : 36323
Property Name : Hidden Springs Ranch
Reservation Date : 05/19/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 34 from 10" to 20'
Lures Used : dead stick plastics, under spin, popr

Booked the lake for a full day but got on the water @ 7:30 and lost the first two fish on PopR by 7:40.  Realized one set of trebles had been somewhat straightened out.  Took care if this and got two into boat before topwater action was over.

For the day water temp ranged from 80 to 86 with about two feet visibility.  Air temp was from mid 70’s to over ninety with 5-8 mph winds with occasional gusts.  

Most were caught in 4-8 feet and in the scattered moss.  Pattern for the day seemed to be either cleaning your hook from moss or unhooking (or missing) a fish. Probably lost 6-7 when they jumped about three feet out of water. Highest jumping fish I think I have seen outside of a tarpon.

As always a great and beautifyl place to visit.  Finished the day by 3:00 when winds did pickup with the follow catch list:

Culled 10 with all but three being healthy 12-13 inchers;

15” – 6

16”- 10

17” – 3

18” – 2

19” – 2

20” – 1