Saturday, May 13 @ Harrison - solid day at beautiful property

May 15 2023

Mark Daugherty


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Reservation Number : 36210
Property Name : Harrison Ranch
Reservation Date : 05/13/2023 All Day -
Total Fish/Sizes : 69 / 12in to 4lbs
Lures Used : Most effective were T-Rig curly tail, paddletail, and unweighted curly tail

Pam and I really enjoyed our day at Harrison Ranch. We dodged rain heavy and light in the AM for a few hours and mostly bank fished the first pond and then the larger lake. The vegetation in the larger lake makes the bank fishing quite challenging. Once we made it out on the water it was much easier to fish the deeper breaks of the weed line. Soft plastics were the ticket and we managed a bunch of healthy, willing bass on this beautiful property. The fish were incredibly strong for their size. I know we all say that – and maybe it's more the time of year and water temperature, but they could sure send a jolt up the line and go on nice runs. The lake is a little low and the water extremely clear. We met the owner, Dave, and he is very nice and very hospitable and wants us to enjoy his place. Y'all check it out! 

May 15 2023

Sylvester Valdez


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Mark & Pam,

Awesome pictures and great results! Good to hear it wasn't a wash out. Thanks for the info. 
