Nice Morning at Twin Oaks

May 12 2023

Bryan Buchan


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Reservation Number : 36289
Property Name : Twin Oaks
Reservation Date : 05/12/2023 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 31; 1.5 to 3.5 lbs
Lures Used : wacky worm, frog, swim bait, TR worm, rattle trap, whopper plopper

My son and I took a quick trip to Twin Oaks for an abbreviated morning of fishing on 5/12, from about 7:00am to 10:00am.  It was an overcast morning, with temperatures in the 70’s.  The water is up about a foot from last time we were there.  It made the lake seem much larger, and not just because it was a larger body of water with the level higher.  There was more cover coming out from the bank, and the water level was above most of the floating vegetation in the east end (opposite the dam).  So for the first time we could easily fish all the way around the lake, which we did.  We caught 31 bass, and all were 15”-18” except for two culls, which were 14”.  The most productive bait was wacky worms, and the only areas that we didn’t really do well were the dam and the middle of the lake.  All of the perimeter (except for the dam) produced fish from about 5’ to 10’ from the edge of the weeds.  We had a very enjoyable morning, and look forward to going again soon!