May 09 2023
Meghan Frazier
Reservation Number : 36282
Property Name : Twin Oaks
Reservation Date : 05/09/2023 AM -
Total Fish/Sizes : 30+
Lures Used : Spook, Chatterbait, Slizzard, Crankbaits, Flukes, Sleeper Craw
Showed up at dawn and went to work on them right away with the spook, buzzbait and Choppo. Shortly thereafter switched up to the bladed jig and was catching them left and right ripping it through the grass. I had some decent luck on the Jabber jaw, Yamamoto D-Shad, and the Megabass Sleeper Craw as well, but the chatter was the big winner today. Only fished until noon and caught 32 or 33 bass, all in the 2.5 to 4.5 pound range. Only 2 culls. These fish are healthy and fight like demons!
May 13 2023
Brian Dumont
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Seems normal to me🤣😁😁🦅