Some of the Best Bass Fishing Quotes Of All Time.

Sep 01 2016

Steve Alexander


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Some of the Best Bass Fishing Quotes Of All Time.

I saw a post on the Texas Fishing Forum for the best fishing quotes. Here are the best ones. What are some of your favorites?

"I had an 8 come off at the boat"

"Winds from the East fishing is the least, Winds from the West fishing is the best"

"Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, he will spend all his time in a boat, drinking beer." - Unknown

I knew it was going to be a tough day when I back lashed the toilet paper. Jimmy Houston:

"Even the liars aren't catching fish!"

"Don't leave fish to find fish."

"The fish are either shallow or deep or somewhere in between"

"The fish bite twice a day; Just before we get here and just after we leave!"

"My greatest fear is, after I die, my wife will sell all of my fishing equipment for what I told her I gave for it" -unknown

"When I approach the pearly gates, I hope God deems me a keeper."

“Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after” - Thoreau

After digging around a bunch of baits you pull out a good looking one and say "I would eat that".

"Good Lord made night time for two things and fishing ain't one of 'em!" Jimmy Houston

Sep 02 2016

Robert Lundin


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What happens in the boat stays in the boat.

Sep 08 2016

James Mathis


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"Unfortunately, the fish don't always read the fishing books."

"I may not be the best fisherman, but I can buy fishing equipment with the best of them."