Picachos Fishing Trip

Feb 20 2015

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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Picachos Fishing Trip

hey steve, im sure your busy at the Pond Boss show but when you get back we all need to hear about yalls trip to Mexico

Feb 22 2015

Steve Alexander


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Thanks for asking.A longer post with pictures and longer write up will be coming in the next newsletter. But, we had a solid group of guys and one gal. It was great to sit togejter as a group for each meal. It makes for a great time when the group gels!!

The fishing was off the charts in terms of numbers. For 4 days of fishing our group caught over 3000 fish. Boats averaged over 100 fish a day. I think the slowest day yielded 65 for one boat while another had almost 200 for the same day. So much depends on your goals (targeting smaller fish or not), guide, your ability and of course being at the "hole" when the fish wants to bite. The fish are so uneducated that in makes little difference on what you throw. You get back to camp and everybody caught them on something different. Crankbaits, swim baits, jigs, spinnerbaits, lizards, Senkos, swim jigs, top water, it realy doesn't matter. Most fish were 1 to 2.5 lbs. But you will catch fish in all size class from dinks to 5 lbs.  The big fish of the group was a 6.4. The grooup caught 4 fish of 5 lbs or bigger, but hundreds of fish in the 3.75 to 4.75 size. The lake is young and the size of the fish will likely increase and the catch rates will likley decrease. There is an inverse relationship to size and catchability.

The lake was 95% full, temperatures where 10 to 15 degrees above normal, we had a heavy rain on the last day, and many of the fish were spawned out. All 4 of these things were a bit unusual, but it did not stop the fish from biting.

Mar 01 2015

William Fetech


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I just received my March copy of Bassmaster magazine and there is an article about Picachos starting on page 44. 

They have only good things come to say about the location. 

Bill Fetech