Castroville - Lake Escondido

Jan 26 2017

William Fetech


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Castroville - Lake Escondido

It appears that PWF did an electro shock survey. Can you summarize the results?



Jan 28 2017

Steve Alexander


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Sure. Great Lake. you're  going to love it!

We electrofished in the fall and we found high densities of bass in the 2 to 3 lb category. Most fish were above 90% of relative weight, which is good. We did not shock many dinks and did not shock anything over 6 lbs. But shocking big fish is unusual, even in lakes where there are lots of big fish. Out of 50 lakes a year that we may shock, we probably shock 10 or so bass over 8 lbs. Forage base is bluegill and red ear sunfish. We did not shock up any rough fish (gar, buffalo, carp). I don't recall if we saw in crappie and electrofishing boats struggle to catch non scaled fish like catfish. We did find a spot in the NE corner of the lake about 100 feet out from the shore and the small cove that held dozens of 3 lbs fish. It won't be hard to find its in and around the timber.

Jan 28 2017

William Fetech


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Steve. Thanks. I used Google earth to overview the property and noticed the multiple clumps of standing timber. Looking forward to the afternoon of February 7th. 
